Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Gloritrek Prep Pictures!

Training for Gloritrek really began during the summer of 2012.  Noah and Dave ran a couple 5K's.

Noah, with classmate Jonathan, & David participate in a 25.75 KM triathlon!

 You wanted to see it!  Here is what my friend, Dr. Chen's chin work accomplished!  Why?  So my helmet will actually stay on my head!

A 113 KM (half Ironman) in Taitung, Taiwan

No, nothing to do with Gloritrek, but it was Noah's first par.  Norton Knoll's, #4 a par 5, Oakland, IL.

Matthew Wang is our paint guy for the Gloritrek bikes, which will soon be ready to photograph!  (No, the bike frame he is holding is not ours.)