Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 56 - July 13 - Louisville (Rest Day)

Day 56 - July 13 - Louisville (Rest Day)

We spent the day with the Roach family, cheering for Sam and his softball team; who were playing in a special olympics softball tournament.  What amazed Luey, Andy and me was the joy in everyone's faces, whether they won or lost.  What an inspiration and an example!  There was no one yelling at an umpire!  And, cheering was just as loud for a strike out as for a home run; as everyone gave their best effort!  How contagious the smiles -- "Pure joy!"

How many people have we known through the years who have had no "disabilities," but have walked through life with a frown on their faces?  And, even in the church?  Lord, may it not be so in me!  And, if it is, may I visit a special olympics competition very soon!

Well, there was one argument today; for which we were not to blame.  We cannot mention names, but a member of the Roach family disparaged Skyline Chili (a Cincinnati tradition that has no equal), and has even led her daughter astray.  How sad it is when we pass our misguided biases on to our children; which is a true mark of dysfunctionality that we fear only a 3-Way could cure!

And, if you are a poor soul who has never had Skyline; now would be a good time for a road trip to Cincinnati!  And, if you've been invited to the "Great Banquet," why not stop along the way and pick someone up who has not heard that they too are invited!

Sharing with the River Valley Christian Church tomorrow!  What a blessing to join in worship with the family of God!

PS - Luey has taken some great pictures of Louisville -- they are on the Flickr account!

Thank you for your prayers!
Dave, Luey and Andy

Days 52-55 - July 9-12 - Louisville

Days 52-55 - July 9-12 - Louisville (NACC)
East Louisville (8 miles)

We spent this week at the NACC (North American Christian Convention), in Louisville.  If you've never been to a NACC, I'd suggest you make plans to attend a future convention.  Thousands of people gather for Christian fellowship, to worship and reconnect.  We were delighted to be a part of it!  And, because it was held in Louisville, which is the city where Team Expansion's world headquarters is located, many from our mission organization were involved.  Also, we were especially glad to spend several days with Brenda, Emily (our oldest daughter) and Noah.  Brenda's folks also spent the week with us!  And, what a blessing to spend four days with God's people; to reconnect with old friends and to make many new ones!

Did you see my bike hanging from the rafters of the Team Expansion booth?  It was fun to watch people in the exhibit area walk by and then look up at the Gloritrek bike, sparking some great conversations about unreached people groups (UPG's).  Also, what a blessing to see the wall of UPG's, with old and young praying fervently to the Lord of the Harvest to open doors for the Gospel and send forth laborers into those fields!  (Did you know that your church can contact Team Expansion, and have the wall of UPG's sent to your church for a weekend?  What a powerful reminder of the task that still remains!)

The theme for this year was "Victorious," and all the messages were from the book of Revelation!  The preaching was outstanding!  The final challenge was given by Joni Eareckson Tada, who has spent the last 40+ years in a wheelchair.  What an inspiration she is, and an example of how to live a victorious life in Christ!  Living victoriously does not mean being free from adversity, but rather understanding from where our strength comes -- "'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the Lord Almighty." (Zech 4:6b)  What a blessing -- to live without fear in the face of hardships or trials -- for the victory comes from the Lord!  (And, after hearing from Joni, you'll not hear me complaining about having sore legs anymore!)

And, to this end we preach, to this end we ride; that the nations might know Jesus Christ -- the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, through whom victory was purchased by His blood!

We said goodbye to family on Friday afternoon.  They headed back to Central Illinois, and we headed 8 miles east to the "Roach Motel."  (their description, not mine) That is, the home of Terry and Tracey Roach, who are hosting us on behalf of the River Valley Christian Church.  What a fun family!

Thank you for praying!
Dave, Luey and Andy