Day 19 - June 6 - Tucumcari, NM to Vega, TX (80 miles)
The day started out as ominous as it possibly could. We were all nervous starting out this morning in a light rain, with dark clouds ahead and a head wind coming from the Tropical Storm Andrea. We all thought it was going to be a long day, like the previous day. I was wearing three layers, and was still cold.
However, no sooner than we began pedaling, the wind died down, and the light rain ended. The clouds kept the temperature down for us. And, we all thanked God! We averaged more than 12.5 MPH, and biked the 80 miles to Vega in 8 hours. SOmewhere along the way we were able to get over on old Route 66! It was so quiet and scenic -- we had the road all to ourselves -- until it turned to dirt. We ended up hoisting our bikes over the fence, and getting back on I-40. We stopped at Russell's Travel Center, near the NM/TX border. What a place -- full of classic cars, and even a '75 Gold Wing (not as good as mine was)! Luey's camera gave out, and we hope to get it fixed in Amarillo.
At about the 60 mile mark we went up a long hill, and when we topped the rise, we were on the plains of Texas -- with a slight tail breeze and an excellent emergency lane to ride in! Way to go Texas!
Thank you for praying -- we really experienced God's blessing today! Tomorrow is only about 40 miles to Amarillo, and the Washington Ave. Christian Church. Lord willing, we'll actually have two days off this week! Brenda gets on a plane in Taiwan this evening (Friday morning in Taiwan). Please keep her in your prayers.
Thank you for praying!
Dave, Luey & Andy