Day 12 - May 30 - Holbrook, AZ to Gallup, NM (94 miles)

We're smack-dab in the middle of the Painted Desert. From Holbrook we left at 5 AM for a long day in the saddle. We made good time today, despite the nearly 1000 ft of ascent; bolstered by a strong westerly breeze pushing us along. We stopped several times near the AZ/NM border to take pictures of the cliffs. We stopped again at the NM welcome center and spent several minutes talking to motorists. Nine hours of riding today.

I had my first flat tire today, Luey has had 4, and Andy leads with 5 flats. I made it through CA and AZ without a flat! Not bad, I'd say, since we've now ridden 1,180 KM / 621 miles.
We appreciate your prayers, as we have experienced several times the Lord providing in special ways; either through people or weather conditions. Like today, the wind was at our backs most of the day; and it didn't really get too hot until our last hour in the saddle. In the mornings, we are down-right chilly!

However, if you are praying for us, will you also remember to pray Luke 10:2 with us? My watch alarm goes off every morning at 10:02, and I am reminded to pray to the "Lord of the Harvest" for laborers to be sent into the harvest fields. Otherwise, why are we spending hours in the saddle each day? I fully expect to see God move in amazing ways -- we've already begun to see it!

The other night I closed my presentation by saying, "We know that heaven will include every tribe, people and nation. Revelation gives us a glimpse of it. The only question is -- will it happen that the nations all hear in spite of you, or because of you? God can do amazing things through those who trust him and step forward in faith.
So, pray for us -- YES! But even more, pray for the 7,126 UPG's who have yet to hear the Gospel!
Dave, Luey & Andy

PS - Emily made it safely to PHX this afternoon, and will spend a day with the Foreman's, before Noah and Em return to Central Illinois. Thank you for praying for them too!