Day 58 - July 15 - E Louisville to Carrollton, KY (52 mi / 2510 total mi)
We began the final 1/3 of our Gloritrek to NYC, with a clear blue sky and light winds. We're now over 2500 miles, with maybe 1,000 to go! Though Luey and Andy did quite a bit of riding around Louisville during the NACC last week, I was getting on my bike (except for a short jaunt on Friday to E Louisville) for the first time in more than a week! It was a great break, but I was a little fearful that the time off might have some adverse effects. However, what I discovered is that riding a bike is like riding a bike -- you never forget how! Ha, ha! :-)
We had a great morning cycling HWY 42 to Carrollton: the rolling hills of Kentucky Bluegrass, the picketed fences, the thoroughbred horses grazing in the fields, the forests that provided shade and fresh air -- all were a great blessing and pleasant distraction to us. And, we traveled much lighter this morning, as the beautiful Emily Roach transported our bags to Carrollton for us (she and her dad both works there). Midway, just when we needed a short break -- a roadside market with fresh peaches! Oh, that all our days could be like this one!
We arrived in Carrollton and are being hosted by Francisco and Sue Leite. They have been missionaries to Brazil, and Francisco is a graduate of CCU (in '67). After a wonderful lunch, with homemade chicken pot pie, and strawberry shortcake; we are resting as the temperature outside climbs to 106. Praise the Lord that we aren't out in it!
Tonight we will attend a men's meeting in a nearby town with the men of the English Christian Church. Tomorrow we will head to Erlanger, where we're told the police, as well as a class of 2nd and 3rd graders are waiting for us!
We were just outside of Carrollton at 10:02 this morning, crossing the Kentucky River before it joins the Ohio River, when my watch alarm sounded the daily reminder to pray for the unreached nations. As I prayed, I immediately thought of Sports and English Camp, in Taiwan. The first full day of camp was coming to an end (Taiwan is 12 hours ahead of us in KY), and I prayed that the Lord would open young people's hearts to be receptive to the Good News they are hearing. I also prayed for the faculty, "Lord, use them mightily and give them stamina!" Could you join me, at 10:02 (as Luke 10:2 reminds us to pray to the Lord of the Harvest), to pray for UPG's?
Thanks for praying!
Dave, Luey and Andy