We've arrived in Amarillo, after a morning of riding. Even though it was not a long day in the saddle, we still had two more flats: Andy 10, Luey 9 and Dave 3. Speaking of flats -- we are enjoying cycling on the plains of Texas, and not missing the mountains at all!
We are being hosted this weekend by Pastor Lennie McCay, and the Washington Ave. Christian Church. The McCays have four daughters, three of which are at camp -- so Andy, Luey and I all have our own rooms for the weekend! We have two whole days off -- YEAH! On Sunday, I will be speaking to Pastor Lennie's SS class.
Brenda arrived safely in Portland. Thank you for praying! And, Tabitha finished her last final at U Chicago Law School -- provided she passed all her classes, she is officially a 2L! :-) She will intern this summer with a law firm in Houston.
We are asked often, "So, why are you doing this?" My answer has become, "Because I believe it is something God wanted me to do. Though I don't pretend to know God's plans for Gloritrek, I fully expect to see God do amazing things!" We have already seen the Lord do amazing things on Gloritrek, and it is truly humbling.
We thank you for praying for us -- we could not do this without you! The picture of the golf course sign stuck in the freeway overpass reminds us that we are entering "Tornado Alley" this next week. Yes, prayers are appreciated!
Dave, Luey & Andy