Day 16 - June 3 - ABQ to Moriarity, NM (40 miles)

We tackled that big mountain today, and with no saddle bags to weight us down, we were able to reach Moriarity in under 4 hours, before noon -- which is always our goal.

We are staying with the Schwebach family, who own and operate a farm, growing all kinds of vegetables. In fact, in this area, their produce is famous! The four children: Nathan, Ellysia, Dominic and Adelaida are a lot of fun, and very talented! Dean & Ive, have lead a house church for many years, so we have a lot in common with the simple church structure we use in Taiwan!
What a blessing a home filled with love is! What a blessing Christian hospitality is? We even had fresh milk straight from the cow with our cookies!
I'd love to write more, but it is time for dinner and it smells delicious! I'll post some pictures with this tomorrow! We'll be on a cattle ranch in Santa Rosa!
Thank you for praying!
Dave, Luey & Andy