Day 13 - May 31 - Gallup to Grants, NM (66 miles)

Mid-way today we crossed the Continent Divide. Last night, I Skyped with Brenda and she asked, "Why does it always seem like you're going up hill?" Well....we finally got to do a little downhill today!

We made good time today, sometimes cruising at 20 mph, aided by a tail breeze from the Lord. We did, however, have 4 1/2 flats today. I had one (my 2nd). Luey had 2 1/2 (he rode the third into Grants before it went down), and Andy had a flat before we ever left Gallup. So glad Luey is an expert at changing flats!
The vistas along I-40 are really spectacular. Reaching the top of another hill, we are almost always rewarded with a grand landscape in front of us. Our God is an amazing God! What diversity in God's creation!
Reminds me of the nations -- what diversity there too! Our God is the Creator of all!
Tomorrow we have about 80 miles into Albuquerque. And, thanks to Ted & Bev Skiles, our co-workers in Taiwan; we now have a place to stay and a church to visit. I'll say more about that tomorrow.
Thank you for praying! As we had our first "close call" today. We actually had to ride in the slow lane on the interstate for a 10 mile stretch. Two 18-wheelers passed us side-by-side and doing 75 mph. Thank you, Lord!
Dave, Luey & Andy
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