Day 17 - June 4 - Moriarty to Santa Rosa, NM (83 miles)

We had a nice tail breeze and averaged nearly 15 MPH, in rolling terrain. We reached Santa Rosa by about 2:00 PM, and was sitting outside a gas station eating a snack. A man pumping gas said, "You should go to the Blue Hole and cool off." Sounded like a good idea, so we went. The Blue Hole is a small pond that is more than 80 ft deep, and the temperature is 62 F. Luey & Andy wouldn't jump in, but I did. Wow, was it cold! My leg muscles instantly seized up though, but it was fun!

Dean, from Moriarty, called ahead to Santa Rosa,and lined up the Fuch Ranch for us to stay at in Santa Rosa. Diane Fuch, came and got us at the Blue Hole in one of their pickup trucks, and took us to their ranch. The Ethan & Diane Fuch's ranch is huge, but because of the severe drought, they've had to sell most of their cattle. They've only had 3.5 inches of rain in the last 3 years. Diane organized a dinner gathering of about 30 people, and invited me to share with them. It was a great evening. Later in the evening, Ethan and their sons got home from a rodeo camp in CO. It was great meeting these real cowboys! And, we slept in the bunk house! How cool is that!
Jesus is the "Water of Life," and as I reflected on the situation in NE New Mexico, I was reminded of how nothing survives without water. 7,126 UPG's living in drought conditions without Jesus -- how urgently they need to hear!
Thank you for praying!
Dave, Luey & Andy
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