The hills from OKC leveled out a little as we got closer to Tulsa. We biked on Rt 66, much quieter than the interstate, but no shoulder beyond the white line -- only the ditch. This only presented a problem once, when an oil tanker truck nearly ran me off the road. Despite no on-coming traffic, the trucker didn't move his truck over an inch! It was close, but the Lord took care of us yet again! We arrived a little before noon.
We arrived in Tulsa and went straight to Ed & Doris Kuelzer's home. Ed is the missions chairman of the Sandusky Ave Christian Church. Had we know what was for lunch, we would have pedaled faster! Ed made brisket -- 5 days in the preparation! Doris made wonderful potato salad, baked beans, brownies....It was all outstanding! Luey said it was the best meat he has ever tasted! We ate lunch with the preacher -- Paul Ortiz! Doris collects plates from England and elsewhere - a very lovely couple and beautiful home! Wonderful hosts!
with our old friends John & Julie Wiscaver. It was great seeing them again and catching up with them.
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