Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 67 - July 24 - Delaware to Coshocton, OH

Day 67 - July 24 - Delaware to Coshocton, OH (79 mi / 2808 total mi)

Rob F fixed us breakfast this morning, on his 50th birthday!  Thanks, Rob!  I hope you get a new road bike for your b'day!

We rode east with a cool NE wind into us for the better part of the morning.  We were aided by riding two bike paths for a total of about 25 miles.  It was nice to be off the highway -- and a fairly flat ride.  When we got to the Newark area, we were going to get on Rt 16, but there was a sign that said "No Bicycles."  So, we stayed on "Old Rt 16" and it was a better road than the new Rt 16 Expressway!

The last 20 miles was more north than east, and directly into a head-wind.  I kept reminding myself that "this is the last day we'll be carrying our saddle bags.  Tomorrow Kevin and CIndy Grindstaff, from Malvern will join us.  Then, we'll be in the Canton area for the weekend, with Brenda, Noah, Mack and Elaine coming on Friday.  And, all next week we'll have a support vehicle.  PTL!

Tonight we're in a motel room here in Coshocton; and,  yes, we know we aren't in Millersburg, as our calendar and map had indicated.  Coshocton, despite the wind, was a better call, and puts us on a better path toward Malvern tomorrow.

It's time for supper!  So, thanks for praying!
Dave, Luey and Andy